Upload Adobe Photoshop Files to Tagboard

Use Tagboard's Adobe integration to seamlessly convert PSD files into Tagboard Graphic Templates

Christine Chalk avatar
Written by Christine Chalk
Updated over a week ago

You can upload Adobe Photoshop (PSD) files directly into Tagboard, to help your team work more efficiently and save your valuable time! PSD files will automatically be converted to Tagboard Graphic templates, that can be further customized in Tagboard's graphics builder.

To get started, click on the 'Graphic Templates' tab on the left side of your Account Dashboard. Click to create a new graphic in the upper right corner, and select 'upload PSD file'. Select any PSD file from your computer. The upload process will begin immediately.

You'll need to stay on this screen while the file is uploading. If you navigate away from the page, it will stop your upload. Tagboard will show you a progress bar so you know how much longer to expect. But no need to walk away for coffee...it won't take long! The average upload time is about 1 minute.

Uh oh! Got an error? The most common reason is your file size is too large. The max file size is 200MB.

If your file is smaller than that and you are still getting an error after a few retries, reach out to our awesome Success team at success@tagboard.com.

Once the upload is complete, you can navigate away from the page while your PSD file is converted to a Tagboard Graphic. The average conversion time is 3-4 minutes, depending on the size & complexity of your PSD file.

Once the upload and conversion is complete, you will see the new Graphic Template at the top of your list. The title will match the title of your original PSD file.

Click the pencil to edit the new template! You can use all of the features of Tagboard's Graphic Builder to customize your template, including adding custom fonts, video, data connectors, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I upload all Adobe files to Tagboard?

At this time, only Photoshop (PSD) files, with a max file size of 200MB, can be uploaded and converted to a Tagboard graphic template.

Will all of my layers be converted into the Tagboard graphic template?

All visible layers will be converted as layers in the Tagboard graphic template. Hidden layers will not be pulled in.

Will groups and layers in my PSD be reflected in Tagboard?

Yes! The groups, layers, and naming used in your PSD file will be recreated in your Tagboard graphic template. Tagboard will extract all groups and visible layers into images and text boxes in a Tagboard graphic.

Will all of my nested groups be created in the Tagboard Graphic template?

When you upload a PSD file, Tagboard will extract up to two nested groups. Any nested groups in the PSD file beyond that will be flattened to the second group.

Will my layers be copied in the same position, using the same opacity?

Absolutely! Your Tagboard graphic template will match the layer's position and opacity from the PSD.

How does canvas size work when converting PSD files to Tagboard?

The canvas size of the Tagboard Graphic template will match the canvas size from the PSD file. For example, if your PSD uses a 1920x1080 canvas, your Tagboard Graphic template will also be 1920x1080.

** The recommended canvas size is 1920x1080. A different canvas size may produce results in Tagboard Producer that you may not expect.

Will text in my PSD file be converted to text in my Tagboard graphic template?

Text that is not highly stylized will be converted to a text layer in the Tagboard graphics template. It will be converted as a plain text layer, using Tagboard's system font. You can customize the font & text styling using Tagboard's graphics builder.

If the text in the PSD file uses advanced styling options allowed in Photoshop that are not supported today in Tagboard (such as embossing), the text will automatically be converted to an image layer.

How many PSD files can I upload and convert at the same time?

At this time, only one Photoshop PSD file can be uploaded and converted at a time.

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